Intensive Treatment for Aphasia in Western Canada

Intensive Aphasia Treatment

In beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia three times per year! 

aphasia treatments in Vancouver BC

Dave & Debra S. came from Utah and found the trip well worthwhile.


US Customers  – Save on aphasia therapy costs by coming to Vancouver, Canada where your dollar is worth more!


US customers can save up to 30% by booking our aphasia speech therapy services in Vancouver, Canada.

The strength of the US dollar allows US residents to save a considerable amount compared to comparable programs in their own state. Our past clients have come from Washington, Idaho, Oregon, California, Utah and Tennessee!

They all say that the amount they are able to save from the exchange rate more than makes up for the costs associated with living in a different city for 4 weeks, while also providing a welcome change of pace.

Weekends and evenings can be spent exploring the outdoor activities, restaurants, cultural events  and natural beauty of Vancouver. Come enjoy all that this dynamic city has to offer while receiving first-rate, evidence-based aphasia speech therapy


Next session: October 21 – November 15, 2019

Request an application  (limit 3 participants)

Cost: $8,700 USD (or $10,000 CAD) if registered by August 21, 2019 ($11,000 USD/$14,000 CAD if registered thereafter)

Upcoming sessions: February 2020, dates and price to be announced.

Our program is named “iTAWC” and is a specialty clinic of Columbia Speech and Language Services, Inc. iTAWC stands for “Intensive Treatment for Aphasia in Western Canada”. It is pronounced “I talk”, which reflects our belief that most people with aphasia are primarily keen on maximizing their ability to speak to the best of their ability (although we certainly do also work on reading, writing, listening, technology use, partner training and augmentative communication, as appropriate and as desired by our clients). Our goal is to assist clients in participating in whichever activities are important to them, in their lives. Here are some key aspects of our program:

  • One-on-one speech and language therapy with committed speech and language pathologists who are passionate about aphasia treatment.
  • Three hours daily of speech and language therapy
  • Use of evidence-based aphasia speech therapy programs
  • Four weeks’ duration
  • Customized goals, developed in collaboration with clients and their family members
  • Individualized treatment programs, focusing on your own goals and needs.
  • Limited to first three or four clients who register (and usually sells out well in advance)

 Call now for more information 604-875-9100

Located in the Center of Vancouver

iTAWC is centrally located on West Broadway, in the heart of Vancouver. The area can be easily accessed by rapid transit and bus. The program is hosted in the accessible offices of Columbia Speech and Language Services Inc, the agency that runs iTAWC. These offices are close to all the major amenities Vancouver has to offer. Nearby are the Granville Island Public Market, unique shops, False Creek Sea Wall walk, many of Vancouver’s famous restaurants, and “aqua buses” which shuttle foot passengers around Vancouver’s False Creek waterfront to Science World and to downtown Vancouver.  A short bus ride or drive will take you to many of Vancouver’s wonderful beaches, nightlife and cultural attractions. For more information about attractions and accessibility in Vancouver, please see Accessible Vancouver.

More Information & Registration

We are now accepting registrations for our fall 2019 program. Register early and save $2,300 USD **. Please see our Frequently Asked Questions for costs, application procedures and further details. Or for more information, or to request an application packet, email us or give us a call at 604-875-9100.

Client and Student

Improved speech production is important to most of our clients.

Enjoy the view from our Vancouver BC office

Enjoy this view from our office while attending our program!


If you have any questions about our iTAWC program for aphasia speech therapy and aphasia treatment please feel free to give us a call at 604-875-9100 or email us anytime. We would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have!

**Register by August 21, 2019 for the fall 2019 program to receive the $2,300 USD early-bird registration discount.